
Puninar Jaya totally committed to developing and implementing logistics solutions for our customers. Giving our customers satisfaction and comfortable services with international standard operations. Puninar Jaya become a solid total logistics supply for its customer so it will be a prime choice for customers in Indonesia.

Air & Sea Freight Forwarding

As a Multi Moda Transport & the strategic alliances with most biggest Carrier also our partnership with Multi National Agents : TAS, UNI-X and NYK, Puninar can carry your cargos all over the world with the best service and best transit time.

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Import & Export Custom Brokerage

With long time experience and expertise in various industries, Puninar can help you to clearance your import and export cargo, starting with preparing the Customs Documentation until delivery the cargo up to the final destination. Puninar also has its team to monitoring and update the progress of clearance step by step.

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